I Help Coaches and Course Creators Avoid Overwhelm and Realize Quick and Tangible Revenue Growth

Why reinvent the wheel? And why add complexity to your business when you can focus on low-hanging fruit that will yield sizeable and near-immediate results?

I work with established coaches and course creators to uncover and tap hidden revenue-generating opportunities in their business. Rather than deploy new tools and platforms, I help you generate quick, 10% or higher revenue boosts from the assets you already have.

We’ll Start with a Breakthrough Action Plan

I start every client relationship with a Breakthrough Action Plan engagement. This focused, short-term, high-ROI engagement is an opportunity to uncover and tap hidden revenue-generating opportunities in your business.

We can work on one of three key objectives, depending on your current situation and where your biggest opportunity lies:

A.   Turning more prospects into leads.

B.   Turning more leads into customers.

C.   Turning more customers into repeat customers.

Whichever area we work on, you’ll get clarity, focus and momentum. Plus a realistic action plan you can start deploying right away to get results FAST.

No more throwing spaghetti at the wall. No more running around in circles. No more overwhelm.

What does the engagement look like?

1)   We’ll start with a detailed diagnostic questionnaire. This assessment will allow me to better understand your business … as well as your key challenges, biggest opportunities, and how I can best help you. I’ll review your answers carefully and start thinking through some potential solutions.

2)   Next, we’ll book a 90-minute private breakthrough session over Zoom. I’ll recap what you’ve shared and we’ll discuss the nuances of your challenges and opportunities. And I’ll lay out a few specific ideas and actionable steps for you. We’ll talk through those, and you can ask me any questions you’d like.

3)   A few days after our session, I’ll turn all my notes, ideas and decisions into a well-organized action plan for you. This will be a customized, 5-8 page PDF summarizing my findings, laying out my specific recommendations and specific, actionable steps for you to follow. Rather than overwhelm you with dozens of possibilities, I’ll focus on one or two breakthrough ideas that will generate big and fast results for your business. That way you’re motivated to take fast and focused action.

4)   Once you receive your breakthrough action plan, we’ll book a 30-minute call to go over the plan, answer questions and make sure you’re absolutely clear on your specific action items.

You’ll walk away from this engagement with at least one big “A-ha!” moment — one big idea or breakthrough that will generate big and fast results for your business.

Something that will easily give you a 10X or greater payback on what you paid for our engagement.

My specific recommendations and action items will be simple and focused. They’ll keep you from getting overwhelmed and will enable you to generate meaningful and tangible results quickly.

If there are additional ways I could help you beyond this point, I’ll note those in my report. And I’ll give you options for engaging me further.

The Breakthrough Action Plan engagement is $1,500, payable in advance. To book your session, first tell me more about your challenge and objective. If it looks like I can help you, I’ll reply with additional details and next steps.

Whom I Serve

My sweet spot is established yet ambitious coaches and course creators who deliver great value for their own clients and customers.

I look for clients that meet the following criteria:


You’re already generating a minimum of $100k in annual revenue from coaching and/or online courses.


You and have a track record of delivering great results for your clients and customers.


You have an email list of at least 2,500 prospects and customers.


You have a marketing automation system in place (such as Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, Kajabi, Convertkit, or a paid MailChimp plan).


You have someone who runs your marketing automation or email management system, if you don’t do it yourself. My work doesn’t include setting up emails and campaigns, but I can refer you to an outside vendor if you don’t have an existing relationship.


Finally, I look for clients who are friendly, coachable and ready to get to work and who value a mutually respectful relationship.

Let’s work together to squeeze more value out of your existing assets. A Breakthrough Action Plan engagement is only $1,500, payable in advance. To book your session, tell me more about your challenge and objective. If it looks like I can help you, I’ll reply with additional details and next steps.

Questions? Reach out to me at ed@edgandia.com.